
We all have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

If you have any concerns about a student at this setting please share this information with us straight away. Issues such as appearance, hygiene, behaviour, can be shared with teaching or support staff. Do not worry about reporting small matters – we would rather you tell us than miss a worrying situation.

However, if you think that a student or an adult who cares for them has been or might be harmed; please talk to a member of our trained safeguarding team immediately (details below).

You can ask any member of staff to find them and speak to you about a confidential and urgent matter.

Safeguarding Sheffield Children policies and procedures

We follow the Safeguarding Sheffield Children policies and procedures, and apply them to our individual school policies. You can find them on this page, or view them on the Safeguarding Sheffield Children website.

Safeguarding Team


Mrs Tricia Redfern

Designated Safeguarding Lead

A senior member of the leadership team, responsible for dealing with safeguarding issues, providing advice and support to other staff, liaising with the local authority, and working with other agencies.

Mrs Redfern can be contacted on 0114 303 0381

Miss Jheni Weir

Designated Safeguarding Deputy

A member of the teaching, support or pastoral staff, in a post which requires assessment of children, with sufficient status and authority to effectively deputise for the Designated Safeguarding Lead role above.

Miss Weir can be contacted on 0114 303 0381

Mrs Emma Porter

Designated Safeguarding Deputy

A member of the teaching, support or pastoral staff, in a post which requires assessment of children, with sufficient status and authority to effectively deputise for the Designated Safeguarding Lead role above.

Mrs Porter can be contacted on 0114 303 0381

Mrs Becky Puchalka

Designated Safeguarding Deputy

A member of the teaching, support or pastoral staff, in a post which requires assessment of children, with sufficient status and authority to effectively deputise for the Designated Safeguarding Lead role above.

Mrs Puchalka can be contacted on 0114 303 0381


Mrs Fiona Rigby

Executive Headteacher

The headteacher is responsible for implementing policies and procedures, allocating resources to the safeguarding team and addressing staff safeguarding concerns.

Mrs Rigby can be contacted on 0114 303 0381


Mrs Emma Lear


Staff member who provides advice, liaison and support for school staff and other agencies working with pupils with special education needs and disabilities and their parents or carers.

Mrs Lear can be contacted on 0114 303 0381

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Miss Anni Winterbottom

Learning Mentor

Addresses difficulties preventing a child from reaching their full potential e.g. behaviour, attendance, achievement, timekeeping, homework, safeguarding issues, and develops strategies to overcome these barriers.

Miss Winterbottom can be contacted on 0114 303 0381

Mr John Morris

Chair of Governors

Mr Morris can be contacted through the school office on 0114 303 0381

Mrs Jennifer Vernon-Edwards

Safeguarding Governor

Mrs Vernon-Edwards can be contacted through the school office on 0114 303 0381


How we safeguard our pupils

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Early help.JPG
Secure information access.JPG
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Safeguarding policies.JPG
Safe recruitment.JPG